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Clinical Quality Registries

Over the years, we've helped clients implement and manage clinical quality-controlled registries that are evidence-based in their design, and customised to integrate with existing workflows, personnel and resources.

COMPRESSOR - Complex Reconstructive Surgery Outcomes Registry
Location: Sydney, Australia
Date registered: 21 Oct 2021
ANZCTR registration number: ACTRN12621001421820

The COMPRESSOR registry has been designed to collect quality clinical data and patient outcomes for patients presenting to surgeons of the Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Orthopaedic Surgery Research Group (BSTORG) with bone and soft tissue tumors requiring resection, and patients requiring complicated hip revision arthroplasty. The registry aims to establish evidence-based parameters for optimised patient selection across a range of patient cohorts, establish the overall safety and efficacy profile of 3D-printed pelvic implants, to optimise patient outcomes, and to provide better informed counselling and management of patient expectations. 

AORA - A clinical quality registry of Arthroplasty Outcomes in Regional Australia
Location: Grafton, Australia
Date registered: 07 August 2020
ANZCTR registration number: ACTRN12620000796987p

The AORA Registry is designed to assess outcomes of total knee and hip joint replacement surgery, and determine predictors of patient outcomes collected routinely as part of the standard clinical pathway for lower limb arthroplasty performed by the participating surgeons. Patients undergo routine preoperative work-up, with the collection of demographic information, medical history, radiology, pathology, and functional analysis. Patient-reported outcomes data is additionally collected to enable evaluation of important surgical outcomes as part of the post-operative follow up.


SOFARI - Sydney Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Research Institute Registry
Location: Sydney, Australia
Date registered: 10 March 2020
ANZCTR registration number: ACTRN12620000331932p

The SOFARI registry is designed to report patient outcomes after treatment for patients presenting with foot and ankle pathologies. The registry collates and store patient demographic, treatment and clinical data as well as patient outcomes collected routinely as part of the standard clinical pathway. Outcomes include clinical outcomes, patient reported outcomes and rates of adverse events following treatment. 


PROKPATH - Prospective Registry of Knee Pathology in private practice
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Date registered: 18 February 2020
ANZCTR registration number: ACTRN12620000183987p

The PRoKPath registry is designed to to analyse and report on outcomes following treatment for patients presenting to a single orthopaedic surgeon for management of conditions affecting the knee. The clinical registry collates and stores patient outcomes collected routinely as part of the standard clinical pathway for knee treatments. Outcomes include objective joint function, patient reported outcomes (pain, satisfaction, quality of life), radiological findings and rates of revision surgery or complications. The main hypothesis arising from the registry is that specific factors present before treatment will predict the likelihood of a patient experiencing a positive, or negative outcome (whether clinically indicated or patient-reported) following surgery.



PRULO - Patient Registry of Upper Limb Pathology Outcomes


Location: Geelong, Australia
Date registered: 23 May 2019
ANZCTR registration number: ACTRN12619000770167 


The PRULO registry was developed to optimise outcomes for patients undergoing orthopaedic treatment of musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs. The registry collects information on patients undergoing orthopaedic treatment for joint replacement, sports injuries, upper limb and hand surgery and trauma. The registry aims to identify patient, pathology and management factors that are associated with treatment success. Findings from the registry will help inform future treatment strategies, standard practices of care and changes in health care practices, systems or policies more broadly within the field.



A clinical outcomes registry in regenerative medicine
Location: Dubai, UAE
Launch date: 08 April 2018

The registry was designed and implemented to objectively assess, analyse, and maximise patient-centered outcomes for surgical and non-surgical management of spine, knee, hip, shoulder and upper limb, and foot and ankle musculoskeletal disorders. The registry collects clinical data to assess the efficacy and safety of approved biological and interventional treatments in order to improve their performance and direct future improvements in patient care. The registry monitors both the natural history of orthopaedic pathologies occurring in the general population, as well as short-term and long-term patient outcomes associated with these pathologies and contemporary treatment options.


CROSEP - A Clinical Registry to monitor Outcomes of Shoulder and Elbow Pathology 
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Date registered: 13 June 2017
ANZCTR registration number: ACTRN12617000864325

The CROSEP registry has been designed to monitor the natural history of shoulder pathologies occurring in the general population, and to monitor short- and long-term patient outcomes associated with the condition and contemporary treatment options. The aim of the registry is to objectively assess patient-centred outcomes of definitive management for shoulder and elbow pathologies. Patient outcomes, clinical imaging, joint function, as well as treatment and clinical information are collected as part of standard of care and collated into an electronic registry maintained at the consulting clinic. 

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